Jul 8, 2010

There's a first for everything...

Why have I never posted any of my writing on here? It's pretty much the only creative work of mine that I'm actually proud of. Admittedly, I used to hate poetry, mostly because I didn't understand it. But now it has a nice, warm place in my heart.

This is all for a school project. I'd say more, but I know of some people who have the same assignment, and I don't want my ideas stolen. ;) I'll talk more about this project after it's finished.

All of these are little quotes from original poems/blurbs that I've written.

Sometime I'll post an actual poem or two. Preferably a new one, so that I don't resort to dragging out the old stuff.

I'm currently brainstorming for an animation idea I have. It was triggered on my way home from work, while listening to Immi's Speak For Yourself CD.
I'm probably going to work around "Clear The Area."

I'm also working on coming up with some new OCs. I realized some time ago that all the OCs I ever had, I never draw anymore. Nor do I really like them as much as I used to. So I'm trying to come up with some new ones that, hopefully, I'll draw more often.

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