Jan 31, 2011

Cotton Candy

Well, I've taken up knitting again.

It's a nice little hobby to have. I was surprised by the amount of stress it relieves for me. It started off with my nephew's baby blanket and progressed into a full-blown hobby again.

With all of the built-up anxiety I always have in my system for one reason or another, I've always found some unhealthy way to relieve it all. But I realized, as I was knitting the baby blanket, how incredibly relaxed I was. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in a really long time.

So then I decided to dig up all of my old knitting supplies that had been gathering dust for a few years. I found a couple incomplete WIPs, including an almost-finished scarf and a halfway-done blanket made with really soft yarn. I want to at least finish these projects.

I'm also going to be writing my own pattern to make a PBJ-sandwich hat, as per request of Takara. I'm actually a rather skilled knitter, it's just been a while since I've done much.

(Also, I happen to be knitting this scarf on my very first pair of needles. It's kind of funny.)

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