Mar 17, 2011


My first-ever KnitPicks order came in today! I wasn't expecting it to arrive for another week or something. It was shipped on Tuesday and it takes 5-14 days for the cheapest shipping. I checked to make sure I didn't accidentally order the 2 or 3-day shipping (it costs a lot more and I was going to be mad with myself if I did), but I didn't. They just shipped it quickly. And to think I considered paying extra for something that would have arrived on the same date.

I got some sock yarn (because for some reason I need more yarn. Right.), a pair of US 7 straights, and a shitload of point protectors. I. Love. These. Point. Protectors.
I've seen other point protectors in stores, but I've been looking specifically for these kind: the cylindrical ones with a rounded edge. I have a pair of pink ones just like these that were given to me as a gift, but I could never find another pair just like them, until I came across KnitPicks. I nearly did a backflip.

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