Nov 18, 2010

The Forever Project

Possible redesign for Anarithia.

(oh, wow, it's been so long since I've posted anything about Anarithia that there's not even a post tag for it yet)

Yeah, I've officially begun on completely reworking Anarithia. I'm starting with character designs, because I think the plot only needs a little bit of tweaking. Compared to the rest, anyway.
Characters, chapters, style, format, dialogue, and even things like the town map and architecture...they all are in desperate need of being redone.

I've decided to name this the Forever Project because that's how long it will take to complete. For real.

Nov 11, 2010

Don't mind me, just popping through the walls

aklsdjf;lkasd I'm so sick of looking at thissss
M. C. Escher style self-portrait. It turned out looking exactly like me. Shitty photo, but I really do not care at all. There's a better photo, but I don't have access to it ATM. I'll fix this post when I get it. EDIT: fixed now~

I'm wanting to do more Copic/Prismacolor marker drawings, but I can't really come up with anything. Plus it's hard to make traditional art with markers when you only have 12 different colors, the majority of them being skin tones. And I don't have the kind of money to just throw at buying markers online...particularly markers that I hardly ever use.
I want to use the markers I do not have.


Quite a problem I have here.

Nov 10, 2010

Tell me what you know.

Would you still love me
if I didn't breathe?
As you drag these heavy
mechanical limbs across the
scraping tile floors in hopes
that you can find a cure

Would you still heal me
if it took my life?
This crippling cursed disease
rotting my flesh and soul from the
inside out and tearing me
away from what I once admired

Would you still chase me
if you knew it held inescapable?
Running away as fast as my
dead-weight legs can carry me and
screaming at the top of my lungs in
firm belief that someone will find me

Would you still hold me
if I never deserved it?
Please take your justified right
to flee for your life and retreat
to the ends of the Earth as
far away from me as possible

Would you still love me
if I couldn't love myself?


My boyfriend isn't feeling very well, so I made him some hot chocolate (if only metaphorically, it's the thought that counts, right?).
Whoa, traditional art
No shirt or mug color porque estoy cansada y no me gusta encontrar marcadores. :<